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Wuhan Baisi Kairui Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Whitening and spot removal


Best Carrier ® Tetrahydro Curcumin

The new tetrahydrocurcumin package developed using a novel transdermal delivery carrier technology has good skin absorption, high bioavailability, and effectively inhibits tyrosinase and scavenges oxygen free radicals; Effectively improve the discoloration problem of tetrahydrocurcumin at high temperatures and increase its solubility

1、 Introduction to raw materials

Tetrahydro curcumin (THC), as the active and main metabolite of curcumin produced in organisms, is hydrogenated from curcumin isolated from the rhizomes of turmeric plants in the ginger family. Tetrahydro curcumin is the main whitening active ingredient in natural turmeric root extract, which has strong activity in inhibiting tyrosinase, effectively inhibiting the generation of oxygen free radicals, and clearing the formed free radicals.

2、 Application pain points

1: Tetrahydrocurcumin is prone to crystallization and precipitation, as well as oxidation and discoloration, which limits its application in cosmetics.

2: Poor stability, prone to deactivation under light and heat exposure

3: Difficult to penetrate through the skin and absorb into the target area/cells of skincare, low bioavailability

3: Product advantages

1. High stability: effectively improves the photo/thermal stability of tetrahydrocurcumin

2. Improving solubility: Utilizing carrier wrapping technology to perfectly solve the application problems caused by its difficult solubility and easy crystallization

3. High compatibility: easy to mix various matrices such as cream/essence/lotion/water agent/facial mask, especially suitable for transparent system

4. High bioavailability: slow-release and controlled release, increasing the retention of tetrahydrocurcumin in the skin and improving bioavailability



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Wuhan Baisi Kairui Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Address:4th Floor, Building B21, High tech Medical Equipment Park, No. 818 Gaoxin Avenue

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Wuhan Baisi Kairui Biotechnology Co., Ltd | Address:2 Yingbin Avenue South, Suizhou City, Hubei Province | Tel:0722-4897142 | Email:bskrnano@163.com

Whitening and spot removal
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